Why pump? Why not "just" breastfeed? Two big reasons: Apparently, my nipples are junk and make it nearly impossible for Wyla to latch on. I have to wear nifty little shields
I've been feeding her expressed milk with bottles that mimic breasts, so that she won't forget how to latch. But honestly, I almost never breastfeed her anymore. Maybe once every couple of days at best. And those bottles make such a mess (even with bibs, I have to change her onesie with almost every feeding) and make feeding her slow. Which is the last thing I need when I'm sitting down to pump for 30 minutes every 2.5 hours. But now? I'm feeling like, why bother? Why is it that I'm trying to keep her breast-ready for feeding? Unfortunately, I can't get rid of my breast pump because I'll be relying on it when I go back to work in July. So, I'm stuck with that bad boy.
So, I quit. No more baby-on-boob action in this house. If I'm being completely honest, I think about quitting the pump and breast milk altogether. But, for now, I'll keep it up. My goal is six months. Only 4.5 more to go, right?
� Close up studying examination. https://imgur.com/a/5ZYVoaM https://imgur.com/a/7kMSfi3 https://imgur.com/a/cxByN5m http://82af65vapp.dip.jp https://imgur.com/a/y8OvHRC http://e35yunkwnp.dip.jp https://imgur.com/a/TBTUX8Y