It's Thursday! Which means that it's my day to cook for the food blog! |
As I'm sitting here with frozen, stiff fingers, I'm wishing I still had that bowl of soup here to keep me warm. I'd even plunk my frozen digits right into the bowl, a la Palmolive commercials from the 80s. When I woke up this morning, the "feels like" temperature was hovering right around 5 degrees, and you wouldn't believe the number of clothing layers I'm wearing right now. Most of Atlanta is slowly recovering from our crazy weather earlier this week, but our little road is still covered in ice right at the crest of the hill where it connects to the main street. The street with stores and gas stations and food and
space heaters. I used to be very pfft! about radiant space heaters; they feel great, but we have no need to spend our money on anything of the sort when we have central heating. Well, folks, I really want one. I want one baddddd.
But back to the matter at hand - Thursday cooking day for the blog!:
Also! Today is my blog's birthday! I didn't have any cakes handy (which is actually kind of surprising, considering it's
me we're talking about here), so I'm settling for a clip-art-Thai-soup-birthday-wish instead. Flip off the lights, squeeze those eyelids shut, and take a deep breath.....
In case you're utterly bored, here is the link for
my very first post here. Entertaining? Not in the least. But hey, like I said then, a meager start is still a start.
Big smooches to all who've become my "blog and twitter friends" over the past two years and to those I've been able to get to know better, despite the distance between us. You make my life more interesting and more amusing and more sweet ♥