Behold Imogen Heap. I'm such a fangirl that I've seen her in concert twice. Twice! And for the second one, I brought my special edition autographed cd for her to sign AGAIN. And Mporch and I got her to take this photo with us. The funny thing is that she stooped down to our height for this photo, lol.
I've been eagerly awaiting her new album that's set to release next Tuesday. I've already preordered it on Amazon, but then...Then! Then Immi posted a link on Twitter for the streaming version of the entire album! Ohmygosh, I was nearly gasping with excitement as my browser took an inconsiderately long 2 seconds to load.
Scoff as you might that I follow Imogen Heap on Twitter, but she's been posting the entire process of writing, recording, and releasing an album, and it's fascinating. I've been allowed a glimpse into the world of someone gifted musically and creatively, and it allows me to see that even she can struggle with inspiration and perfectionism. This article gives a fantastic look at how Imogen Heap is changing the shape of music production and marketing.
So, enjoy her album preview. And then go buy it! :)
For those who can't see the embedded player above, here's the direct link:
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